Penguins Pucks and Balls, Davenport, IA Good and Cheap Eats

Davenport, IA is part of the Quad Cities--four cities that lie close along the Mississippi River. We wanted to stop for lunch somewhere in that area, and a quick google search brought us to Penguins Pucks and Balls, a sports bar in an old mill lying along the Mississippi. Their special is the $3 burger basket, served with a huge helping of fries. They also serve up ballpark-style pretzels. For less than 30 bucks, we had a great meal.

Get in my belly!

The Cheeseburger Expert

Now that's a pretzel!

Awesome playground!

Just outside the mill was a unique playground. We joked that they would never have a playground like that in Massachusetts, because someone would get hurt and sue!

© Cara Parker, 2009.  Photos and text may not be reproduced without the written consent of Cara Parker.


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